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Est-on Amish lorsqu'on croit en l'effet rebond ?

Visiter une maison en terre battue au moyen Orient permet de comprendre les trésors d'ingéniosité que les anciens déployaient pour vivre dans un climat chroniquement hostile. Notre guide observe qu'il fait près de 40° dehors et de l'ordre de 25° à l'intérieur. La demeure est située sur le flanc nord d'une palmeraie. Elle possède un système élaboré de conduits souterrains permettent de capter la fraîcheur…

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ArticlesSec Babgi
Les entreprises traditionnelles peuvent-elles devenir des plateformes digitales ?

D’une certaine manière, la crise du COVID-19 a été un excellent outil de passage aux rayons X de l’ensemble de l’économie française. Il y avait ceux qui y arrivaient et ceux qui n’y arrivaient que péniblement. Au sein des entreprises tertiaires, certaines sont parvenues à faire travailler leurs salariés de chez eux tandis que d’autres, dont des administrations publiques, ont eu toutes les peines du monde à mettre cela en place.

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ArticlesSec Babgi
Digital Civilization. Let's open the debate!

Digital technology has profoundly affected our lifestyles: communicational and societal changes, new thought patterns, perceptions, new ways to build our inner circle, new means of production… The spectrum is wild and not limited to technology. To encourage discussion about our relationship to digital and induce awareness of its vast political issues, the National digital council published Digital Civilization. Let's open the debate!

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ArticlesSec Babgi
Commerce and e-commerce, the match

Among the grievances that we bring to digital, that of the environmental consequences of e-commerce comes up chronically. Recently, several works, including Oliver Wyman's study entitled "Is e-commerce good for Europe" provide interesting information on this subject.

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ArticlesSec Babgi
How to reconcile ecological and digital transition?

In recent months, greenhouse gas emissions from digital technologies have taken an important place in the media, in particular due to the publication of reports with explosive conclusions. Thus, the reports of the Shift Project and the High Council for the Climate both mentioned a significant increase in the environmental externalities of digital technology. While these figures have been the subject of significant controversy (see below), they have had the merit of showing how much this subject remains largely unknown.

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ArticlesSec Babgi
Systemic revolution for work and companies - HDR Barcelone - 2018

You may have heard the words “Scrum”, “Devops”, “Agile”. These are aspects of this breakthrough innovation. Hierarchy is no longer valid. When workers can be synchronized in a way that everyone knows what others are doing, this represents a productivity gain. The cost of hierarchy amounted to 30 percent of an organization in the 20th century. Companies can be much faster if this is removed. We must be able to organize workers so that they can synchronize themselves with each other.

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ArticlesSec Babgi
“What is hindering French companies in their digital transformation?”

Digital transformation is marking time in French companies. Many CAC40 CEOs complain of a lack of visible results to motivate teams, while at the same time worrying about the significant amounts invested in this area. Moreover, in several sectors, such as distribution or the automotive industry, their competitors are making giant strides, which does not reassure their shareholders or employees and does not make it easier to deal with the issue calmly.

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ArticlesSec Babgi
eCAC40 : a digital transformation without method

Coaching advice Les Echos Executives publishes the eCAC40 ranking, which highlights the state of digital transformation of these very large companies. Gilles Babinet, digital champion of France at the European Commission, president of the jury and instigator of the survey, gives his findings and advice.

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ArticlesSec Babgi
Planning and time: factors for the success of digital transformation

As much as we might say it outright, the level of implementation of digital transformation within organizations is not satisfactory. The implementation of large group-startup programs, the development of mobile applications, massive recruitment of data scientists and AI specialists... we are most often witnessing the implementation of disorganized initiatives, and one may wonder whether the objective is not more to satisfy financial analysts than to carry out real in-depth work.

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ArticlesSec Babgi